What happens to my application?
It is easy to apply for a position online through PROSPIRA. Once you have uploaded your application and your CV, you will receive a confirmation email. Naturally, you are guaranteed complete confidentiality. In reviewing applications and CVs, we look for the best match between professional and personal skills and job specifications. If you are not under consideration for the position you have sought, we strive to notify you as soon as possible.
An interview should provide clarification…
If you are invited to attend an interview, your professionalism is of course important to us, but we would also like to know more about the person behind the CV: About your motivation, your expectations for a future job, and you as a person.
The choice of job must be made on an informed basis
At the interview, we tell you more about the position and the prospective employer. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.